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Join in the fun with free drama workshops and recovery support!

Creative Activities

We use theatre and performing arts to give people affected by addiction a voice – enabling them to reach and recognise their potential, find an identity and build life skills and confidence in order to support recovery.

Our activities are free for any service user who is practicing harm reduction or in recovery from any form of addiction, plus their family, carers and champions. To find out which groups you can currently join, please see our monthly schedule of activities.

We run weekly drop-in groups for new participants:

East London Drop-in Drama

West London Drop-in Drama

South London Drop-in Drama

East London Write Now

West London Write Now

Women’s Drama Group

Moving Recovery (not currently running)

For current or returning participants interested in groups requiring more commitment and discipline, we also offer:

Edge Two

Write Two


The Company

For Young People we are offer an annual:

Young People’s Project

Participants can also access Peer-led Recovery Maintenance and Pastoral Care Support with our full-time staff.

The only thing we ask is that you will have abstained on the day that you access the groups, although low level scripts are welcome. For more information on joining the free weekly workshops, please contact OETC’s office or register your interest here.

From October 2023, we will only be offering a blended delivery for the groups listed below:

  • East London Write Now (Tuesdays)
  • West London Write Now (Wednesdays)

For more information please visit the blended delivery page

We have also compiled a list of free creative and recovery maintenance resources available.

Social Activities

When you participate in OETC’s drama workshops you also have the chance to make new abstinent friends to enjoy creative activities with.

  • We organise free tickets to exciting shows around London for our Theatre Trips
  • Enjoy pizza, live music and performances from other participants at Service User Social Events
  • Help manage our charity by joining our Board of Trustees as a Service User Representative

Volunteer & Employment Activities

  • Volunteer Peer Mentor / Support Facilitator Programme

Following 3 months consistent attendance in Edge Two, service users can receive training to be Volunteer Peer Mentors and/or Volunteer Support Facilitators.

  • Paid Facilitation Work

After 6 months of consistent engagement, Volunteer Support Facilitators can be engaged as paid Support or Lead Facilitators for our Treatment Facility Taster Sessions and weekly drama groups.

  • Associate Theatre Facilitators

A special role for ex-service users who continue to facilitate OETC peer-led drama activities, but who have also gone on to successfully work in the theatre industry. They are ambassadors for our organisation and undertake research to develop new activities and exercises for the charity.

For more information on joining the free weekly workshops and recovery maintenance activities, please contact OETC’s office or register your interest here.

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