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December Newsletter

December Newsletter

Welcome to the final newsletter of 2022! The year may be coming to an end, but the last few weeks at Outside Edge Theatre Company have been filled with exciting events and activities. Last month, service users developed their skills in stage management with Megan Bly, our Moving Recovery and Edge Two groups put on brilliant performances, The Company X Tea Films project began and recent social events have seen our service users visit the Tate Modern and taking the mic at Karaoke!

This month we have our final Theatre Club which is a performance by one of our own service users Errol McGlashan, our Women’s Drama Group will be sharing their piece ‘Ask Her – the Women’s Drama Group Installation’ and the last few weeks of Drop-ins.

Please note that Outside Edge will be closed from 17th of December- 2nd of January so please look at our December schedule carefully and we will provide some organisations and events in this newsletter for alternative support during this time. Drop-ins will resume on 3rd of January 2023 and we will be sending January’s schedule in the next newsletter.
You can read the full newsletter HERE.

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