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Outside Edge Theatre Company are now available to deliver Drama & Creative Writing Taster Sessions for people in recovery at treatment programmes and rehabilitation centres across London.

Our Taster Sessions are based around the Five Ways to Wellbeing, using fun, fast paced exercises giving participants an embodied experience of the benefits of a creative activity, through connecting with one another in an engaging, entertaining environment. The workshops now include an optional creative writing element encouraging empathy through character building and expanding imagination through simple writing techniques.

The Taster Sessions are led by members of OETC’s specially trained drama facilitators. Sessions begin with a brief warm-up, followed by a series of icebreakers, before moving on to improvisation games that participants might recognise from TV shows such as “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”. This is followed by some simple but effective writing exercises to encourage the group to start thinking about creating characters and writing dialogue.Throughout the workshop the group have the opportunity to reflect on their wellbeing and how they can improve it.

Participation in our workshops helps to build recovery capital by increasing self-esteem and confidence, whilst developing empathy and improving emotional regulation. All the skills practised during the workshops are transferable to a number of situations, including the search for future employment or training. Sessions are mostly delivered in person, but can be delivered online upon request depending on your service’s preference.

Don’t just take our word for it below is some feedback from Service Users and Key Workers following the taster sessions last year:

“I enjoyed connecting with new people. It gave me an outlook on how life can be” – Participant

“I liked having to step out of my comfort zone and taking risks. It was lots of fun!” – Participant

“Well done to the wonderful facilitators. I will be introducing it to my other placements.” – Key Worker

“The session allowed me to interact with others which I enjoyed, it also built my confidence at the same time” – Participant

If you are a treatment programme, rehabilitation centre or service user interested in booking one of our Drama Taster Sessions, please contact the office at [email protected] or call our office at 020 7371 8020.

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