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August Newsletter

August Newsletter 
Free Theatre Trips & Drop-in Groups GALORE!
The sun is shining and the weather isn’t the only thing that’s cheering us up this month! This month’s newsletter is full of exciting updates, masterclasses and upcoming events that are bound to brighten your day!
Monthly Schedule of Activities
August 2022
If you are new to OETC and would like to participate in any of these activities then please register your interest HERE, and someone from our team will contact you.

6:00pm-8:00pm – Edge Two (Christopher, Júlia & Charon)
Please note there will be no session on Monday 29th August due to the Bank Holiday

3:30pm-5:30pm –  East London Drop-in Drama (Shiv/Stewart & Charon)
6:30pm-8:30pm – East London Write Now (Tunde & Charon)

3:30pm-5:30pm – West London Write Now (Stewart, Grace, Hannah, Jane)
6:30pm-8:30pm – West London Drop-in Drama (Tunde & Chloe)

12:30pm-2:30pm – Women’s Drama Group (Júlia & Lydia)

1:00pm-3:00pm – Peer-led Check-in (Phil)
6:30pm-8:30pm – South London Drop-In Drama (Júlia, Stewart, Hannah, Ian) 

NB: There will be a change to the South London Drop-in Drama venue on Friday 19th and Friday 26th of August. On these dates we will not be offering a Zoom option. Participants will be contacted with the alternative venue address.

*Please note that all OETC’s drop-in groups (excluding Peer-led Check-in, Edge Two & Moving Recovery) are now running a blended delivery, so you can attend in person or on Zoom.
Upcoming Masterclass:
Saturday 6th August 12:00pm-7:00pm – Writing Masterclass with Chris Thorpe
To keep up to date with the latest schedules follow us on social media:
Twitter (@OutsideTheatre)
Facebook (@Outsidedgetheatre)
Instagram (@Outsidedge)

4 Stories, 4 Dilemmas, 4 Populations… 

Where will Fate lead us? Will society be kind? Can we hope for redemption? We know to answer this we must: FACE THE FACTS…

Outside Edge’s intermediate acting group, Edge Two, will join other recovery arts organisations from across the country to perform Face the Facts for University of West London/London College of Music’s upcoming ‘Recovery Arts Event’ on Thursday 8th September. 

Unfortunately, there are no more tickets available for the main show on 8th September. In light of this, we’ll also hold an ‘open dress rehearsal’ on Monday 5th September for members of our Recovery Community and then remount the performance again on Friday 30th September as part of Turning Point’s re-opening party for the Redcliffe Gardens facility. 

Details on how to book for the open dress rehearsal on Monday 5th September will be available from next week!

 Edge Two is generously supported by:

We are super excited to announce that the weekly sessions for our Moving Recovery group will start again from 1st September every Thursday (6:30-8:30pm) at LAMDA near Barons Court Station!

Save the date in your diaries, we hope to see you there! 

In addition to this, throughout August, we are delivering FREE dance Taster Sessions for our Moving Recovery group in public drug and alcohol treatment services in West London. 

If you are a West London Service and would like to book a Moving Recovery Taster Session, email Hannah at 
[email protected]
 Moving Recovery is generously supported by:

Our next Service User Social Event will be a picnic on the afternoon of Saturday 10th September. We’re still putting the finishing touches on all our exciting plans for the day and we can’t wait to share them with you. 

Look out in your inbox for more information in a couple of weeks!

This month’s Masterclass on Saturday 6th August is with Write Two facilitator and award-winning playwright, Chris Thorpe.

Existing Outside Edge members are welcome to attend: please email [email protected] to be added to the waiting list as spaces are limited.

In addition to our free weekly drama, dance and creative writing activities, every month we also offer service users FREE tickets through our Theatre Club!

Last month, we offered free tickets for a double bill of new writing at the National Youth Theatre and The Favour at The Bush Theatre.
 This month we’re heading to the West End to see The Seagull, Julius Caesar and To Kill A Mockingbird.

Theatre Club is a great way to strengthen your peer-support network and to hang out with new Outside Edge friends outside of our weekly groups.

If you would like to be added to the waiting list for any of the August productions listed above, please email Hannah: [email protected]


We are pleased to announce that Veema has recently joined as our new Administration and Projects Manager!

She has extensive experience working in a variety of roles for Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust starting as a secretary and moving up into a managerial role.

Prior to this, she achieved an undergraduate degree in Modern Drama Studies at Brunel University and always kept a keen interest in community and participatory arts.
Veema enjoys being a part of making theatre and other art forms accessible to people who may have not had this as part of their lives.

She has worked on a variety of community projects such as The Old Vic Community Project, and has drama facilitated workshops for secondary schools for Beyond the Classroom.

Veema is passionate about diversity in the arts and tries to see as much diverse rich theatre as possible.

 She says, “I really look forward to joining Outside Edge and working with our participants to make sure they get the very best out of the workshops and other ventures we provide.”


We create bespoke drama, creative writing and dance programmes for private treatment facilities. Our packages and workshops are based around the Five Ways to Wellbeing, using fun, creative exercises which allow participants to embody the benefits of a creative arts activity.

Our participatory arts activities build confidence and foster a safe recovery community by encouraging participants to connect with one another in an engaging, entertaining environment.

To find out more about our packages or to discuss your service’s needs, email Hannah at: [email protected]


During these difficult times, we would like to thank our recent supporters who have made generous contributions to Outside Edge this month:

Adam Cooke
Vintners’ Foundation

To continue to offer our creative activities for free we rely on the continued support of grants and donations. If you would like to help Outside Edge through this challenging time, then please consider donating.
Thank you!


Errol, who is one of Outside Edge’s service users, will be performing his one man show: Something To Take Off The Edge: a tragicomedy about two guys who form an unlikely friendship sharing a cell and flirting with Narcotics, Chocolate HobNobs and Shakespeare; while serving long-term prison sentences during 1980’s Britain. Errol’s performance is part of Clapham Fringe and he’d love to see you there!
Where: Bread and Roses Theatre, 68 Clapham Manor St, London SW4 6DZ 
When: 9pm on Tuesday 27th September 2022
How to book: Go to:

Catch award-nominated ‘Part of the Main Theatre’ at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe, with a hotly-anticipated programme of work.

Join them across multiple venues for the very best in new writing, direct from London stages, as seen in The Guardian’s Top 20 shows to see at the Fringe.

3rd – 29th August, 10pm
Pleasance at EICC >
3rd – 29th August, 2:05pm
Pleasance Courtyard >
5th – 28 August, 6:25pm
Zoo Playground >
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